MAY 09, 2024


  • Mr. Nadeem Mehbub, Federal Secretary NHS, R&C.
  • Mr. Mian Khalid Misbah Ur Rehman, Chairman PPMA.
  • Mr. Ch. Israr Sharif, Sr. Vice Chairman PPMA.
  • Dr. Mahwash Khan, Vice Chairperson PPMA.
  • Mr. Misbah Ur Rehman, Former Chairman PPMA.
  • Mr. Mian Asad Shuja Ur Rehman, Former Chairman PPMA.
  • Mr. Aman Ullah Shiekh, Member CEC PPMA.
  • Mr. Shafiq A Abbasi, Member CEC PPMA.
  • Mr. Ehtesham Ul Haq, Member CEC PPMA.

Afer greetings from both ends as well as introduction, Chairman PPMA extended welcome on assumption of charge of Secretary NHS to Mr. Nadeem Mehbub and briefed him on the discussion with Dr. Mukhtar Bhereth, Coordinator to PM on Health last week.

During over one hour meeting, it was discussed that, deregulations of nonessential medicines is a relief for the Pharma industry. PPMA Chairman highlighted that the industry is aware of the need to exercise caution and due care in implementation of the decision. He added that it has sent the right signal to international and domestic investors looking at the Pharma sector and has already improved availability of medicines thereby substantially improving access of patients to quality drugs.

It was so discussed that both Industry & Govt. should highlight the critical nature of the Pharma Industry and try to change the misconceptions at public level through positive media awareness as well as trust building.

Talking about essential category, delegate PPMA urged to rationalise the 7% cap of CPI based annual price review given the hyperinflation, devaluation, historically high mark up rates and ever increasing energy costs. Chairman PPMA added that investment in API sector shall only come when future of domestic Pharma industry is stable and that unless the cap is revised the ever-pending hardship cases always result in shortages and gives opportunities for counterfeits and smuggled products.

Secretary NHS asked PPMA to furnish written proposals on these aspects both at Federal Secretary & Coordinator Offices of NHS, R&C. Chairman PPMA said that joint proposals from PPMA and PB shall be submitted.

PIC/s standards were discussed and it was agreed that it needa a thorough cost-benefit analysis especially given the strict regulation of pricing and concern of affordability of medicines by the public. Industry should be facilitated to meet the high financial pressure as this will require substantial investment. Small entrepreneurs will be the first ones to face the risk of shut down. Secretary NHS agreed that PPMA should have a detailed consultation with DRAP on a mutually agreed stepwise longer term plan.

Regarding proposal on assigning liability
of out of spec and misbranded products, it was agreed that PPMA and PB shall discuss with DRAP and submit the proposal to Secretary and Coordinator Office at the earliest.

It was strongly requested that DRAP should overcome pendencies ASAP and automation should be adopted only if it improves efficiencies and not just for the sake of adopting technology.

Meeting ended with a presentation of a souvenir to Secretary NHS.